Wow what a year, I can't believe how fast it has gone. I really do have a lot to say but not a lot of time to say it so... here are a few pictures of our beautiful little Ella who I cannot believe will be one in a week! She has changed our lives completely for the better, I have never known love and happiness as I do now, cheesy? Maybe, but she has blessed our lives and helped us see what truly is important in life. Here's some keepers!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Wow what a year, I can't believe how fast it has gone. I really do have a lot to say but not a lot of time to say it so... here are a few pictures of our beautiful little Ella who I cannot believe will be one in a week! She has changed our lives completely for the better, I have never known love and happiness as I do now, cheesy? Maybe, but she has blessed our lives and helped us see what truly is important in life. Here's some keepers!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Welcome to IOWA
I don't really know what to say about Iowa, other than I'm already heading out to DC for two weeks. When I told Camie that it would be for two weeks she warned me that she would be working a lot while I was there, my response was that is can't be any worse than being here all day alone. At least while I'm in DC there are sites, although we do have the Quaker Oats Factory in town that often smell of Urine. It really is something else! Utah's never looked so great, its a good thing this is only temporary. Well we'll post some pictures of our adventures here soon.
Also Ella has been so great out here and she really does get cuter everyday, she has started cooing and making all kinds of noises that I am sure no other baby has ever done. Well that's our life for now.
Also Ella has been so great out here and she really does get cuter everyday, she has started cooing and making all kinds of noises that I am sure no other baby has ever done. Well that's our life for now.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Two Years Later
Two years ago today I married the woman of my dreams! Megan you have been the greatest blessing in my life and I thank you for being such a fantastic support and friend. When we first met I wanted to get to know you because you were a "hottie" :) After giving each other pedicures on our first date I never wanted to leave your side. When I sat next to you in the San Diego temple I knew I would spend the rest of my life with you. It has been a fun ride. Our first summer in Denver was crazy, all work and no play! I realized that summer the STRENGTH you have as a companion. Few wives would support the stress and frustration that came with that summer...thank you! Remember Europe?? I can't get enough!! That was so fun! That was the trip that made me realize how HUMBLE you are and unmaterialistic....Baggettes and Cheese for two weeks, are you serious? You didnt even care that McDonalds was our best meal there...I love that about you! Bon Losee was a trip right? Seeing you interact with the people at Wasatch Audiology and Bon Losee taught me how I should be with people. Your patients at Wasatch loved you. The INFLUENCE of good that you have in everyones life has taught me to focus on others more than myself. I love that you are willing to have FUN regardless of the price (The time we went snowboarding...I say no more) The time you bought Wendy's for the transient outside the Walmart was the time you taught me that KINDNESS will change peoples lives for good regardless of circumstances. Your sustained focus at every job you have ever had has taught me the importance of EXCELLENCE in everything we do. Since we had Ella I have watched you as a mother. The way you care for her and show her LOVE has given me a greater understanding of parenthood. I cannot express to you the love and joy that you girls have brought into my life. I didnt believe I could love you any more than I already did but since having Ella the feelings I have for you have grown deeper and stornger. After my mission I never thought I would learn as much in two years as I did during my mission but these last two have proven to be the best two years of my life. Thank you for two fabulous years of life and marriage. I love you!
Happy Anniversary,
Love Vince
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Happy St. Patty's Day!
So last week I typed up this really great post that actually didn't mention Ella in it and it was deleted accidentally. Maybe I was not meant to write about anything else other than my cute daughter. Perhaps I'll try it again. As for now lets talk about sweet Ella, she was officially 1 month old on St. Patrick's Day so we took a couple of pictures of her sporting green on her big day! It was a challenge for my Mom and I to even get her to cooperate, the pictures are not the best but she's still the cutest girl ever. I love you all and hope you enjoy these pictures.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ella is growing
She has been with us now for 3 weeks and 1 day. She is the light of our life and she is most definitely the love of Vince's life. I love to see him with her, his patience and love towards her is so amazing. I knew he would be the best Dad but he has truly surpassed any expectations I had. We are a great team, Vince works four days a week for 10 hrs so I get to do 4 nights a week with Ella and Vince takes the other 3. It works out nicely for the both of us, I can get some sleep and he gets to spend extra time with El. Although if any of you know Vince you know that at times when he is awoken from a deep sleep he is not the most coherent person. The other night he woke up and had no idea what was going on, he picked up the baby and was about to leave the room with her to make her bottle so I thought. He got to the door and turned around and asked me who's turn is it? I asked him what he meant and he said who am I taking her to? I said no one, you're going to feed her. Well this went back and forth for a while so I ended up with that shift and sent Vince back to bed, who knows where he would have taken my daughter! It was pretty funny. So other than the occasional mind loss he's perfect!
Weston turns 2!
March 1oth 2009 Weston our Silky Poo and our first pet child celebrated his second birthday. Poor guy has been replaced by Ella so we tried to make it a really special day for him. It was very exciting we took him for a special walk and played in the snow with his good friend Oki. We sang happy birthday and gave him that wet gross smelling dog food with 2 candles in it. He went to town on it, he acted like he had never eaten before in his life...his mug was all crusty afterward and smelled terrible, but it was well worth his excitement. We also gave him some meat filled bone and had to take it away after a few bites for fear of a bad stomach ache or the poops. He kept whining for it and sniffing around everywhere to find it. It was great fun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WES WE LOVE YOU!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Angel Eyes

Yikes! I can't get enough. This is Vince writing and I can't even get enough of Ella. She is the light of our life. She cracks me up....Before I had her I always wondered why people who have kids could never find anything else to talk about.... Here I am the new parent that wants everyone to see who cute my little girl is! HAHA!! If you have kids you know what i'm talking about, if you don't you will..
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